Saturday, March 31, 2007
6 Weeks Pregnant
Well 7 weeks on Monday!! Everythings going fine apart from sore nipples & a bit of nausea. Haven't been sick tho which is good. Did another test in the week just to check that I am still pregnant, & I still am of course! Feeling really excited now, but scared at the same time as our lives are going to change...forever, not thats a bad thing. We can't really make plans though until we've had the all clear scan. I'm so dreading it if it's got downs, I don't really know what to do, but we all hope that it'll be fine. Anyway must dash now as Ripley wants us to go shopping. Will write next week.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Sorry for not writing again. Lifes been a bit hectic what with work etc. Anyway some news, I'm 41 days pregnanat!!!! Ripley & I went to the doctors yesterday, & he confirmed it!!! He was so pleased for us & he's gay too which helps. WOW WEE!!! I can't beleive it, although trying really hard not to get too excited in case I lose it, December was definitely a wake up call. I saw a picture in the book that the doctor gave us yesterday at what a baby looks like at 6 weeks and it's so tiny at 8mm. Travolta's coming round tonight so we'll have to start organising things, I don't think it's really sunk in with him yet as he was so casual about the news. We did text him tho, so maybe that's why. Ripley & I have so much to do now as we want to sell the flat we're in & move into a house, although we'll have to move out of the city, but that's not a bad thing.
Anyway I will try & post every Saturday & keep you updated with any news - let's hope it'll all be good! Fingers & toes crossed for us.
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Long time no see!
Sorry we've not been posting for a while. I guess we've both been feeling resigned to the fact that this may not work after all. We've both decided that we'll probably give up trying before our holiday in May, although we have yet to discuss this with Travolta. I'll be 41 in 9 days time, so I think my clock will have stopped ticking by then. I was inseminated last weekend so I'll know by my birthday if anythings happening or not, although I have been experiencing feelings down below but I think that might be wishful thinking! Will keep you posted anyway. I've been following the blog of & I've been disheartened to read that they've split up after so many years together. I just hope they can sort through whatevers gone wrong & get back together. It's been such a trying time for Ripley & myself, & we've had a few tearful times together due to the fact that we may never get pregnant, but we've decided that if this doesn't work then it doesn't work & we'll just carry on. It will take a while to get over it but at least we can look back & say we tried.